Cross country is an ideal way to hit the backcountry terrain; ranging from a relaxed yet still decent exercise to intense physical challenge, ‘Nordic’ skiing offers you the gateway to magical experiences out in nature. We have a wide selection of back country and well maintained trails that will provide you with the perfect experience you’re looking for.

Cross Country and Touring
For opening status see opening hours
The Vassivarvet trail begins down by Vassejavri lake, right where the snowmobile track goes out on the ice. It starts at the edge of the lake and goes along the western shoreline up on land. Once on land, the track pulls north west and rounds right at the Norwegian border before turning back down again.
The track is made for both classic and skating.

Katterjåkk – Vassivagge wind shelter – Katterjåkk
This excellent track starts just beyond the lift in Katterjåkk and goes into the wind shelter in Vassivagge and then turns around out back to Katterjåkk. The trail is named after how it can be experienced on a nice day, completely windless and sunny. The track offers skiing both for classic and for skating. In the beginning you will also find a detour up to Nordalsliften if you would like to take a jaunt past there. To get to the start of the track in Katterjåkk, you can follow the winter trail that begins behind the apartment hotel in Riksgränsen. It is about 2 km. Just be aware that until the beginning of the cross-country trail, you share the trail with snowmobiles. Snowmobile traffic on or along the cross-country trails is prohibited.
Soldalen is maintained from the end of March and is kept open as long as the tributary allows passage by piste machine or until the end of the season.
Touring Trails
North of Riksgränsen on the other side of the lake, the mountain Rohccevárri stands like a giant tower above the landscape. It is a gorgeous location to tour. There are often several snowmobile tracks to the north, but the most pleasant is to follow the western lake shore and then choose your own track to the north. You may not get as far as in a prepared track, but it is the beauty of cross-country skiing that you can get out in untracked terrain and just enjoy the tranquility of the natural surroundings. The journey is the goal. And with a little coffee packed in the backpack, there are plenty of places to take a break and enjoy the view.
Riksgränsen to Björkliden – via Katterjåkk, Vassijaure, Gearggevaggi and Låktatjåkko Mountain Station.
A slightly longer touring ski trip over the mountains. A nice day trip with variety and spectacular views for the slightly more experienced hiker. You start the tour in Riksgränsen and get off on the track behind the apartment hotel that takes you towards Katterjåkk. From here, go under the railway and then you start the journey, closest to Vassijaure and the opening at Gearggivaggi. You stay all the way south of the railway and when you reach the valley up towards Låktatjåkko mountain station, you turn your ski tips upwards. Once at the mountain station, it can be nice to pause with a waffle or some hot soup before you steer your skis down the last 9 km to Björkliden. Once in Björkliden, you can either take stay at the hotel or take the train or bus back to Riksgränsen. A recommended tip for this trip is to carefully check the weather before you leave and check the snow supply along the route before you go out. For more information, contact the sports information in Riksgränsen or Björkliden.
Length: 23 km Altitude: approx. 800
Our favorites
Gearggevággi / Trollsjön
About 9000 years ago, the ice sheet retreated, but in some valleys it remained and melted into what is so-called ‘dead ice’. In the valley Gearggevággi there are remains from this time in the form of large and fascinating boulders. At the far end of the valley where the mountain sides fall steeply, we find the mythical lake Rissajaure (also called Trollsjön). Aim towards the middle of the valley and cross between the boulders that the ice age left behind.
Måndalen (Moon Valley) in Winter
One of the most popular hikes in summer should also be experienced in winter. Take the lift up to the top of Björkliden’s home mountain where a mile-wide view with untouched slopes can be viewed. We ski towards the top 1313 where a fantastic view awaits. The reward is great and one can enjoy the pleasant cruising journey down to Måndalen and a warming coffee break.
Suggestions for three summit hikes in the area around Björkliden and Riksgränsen
Exactly on the other side of the Norwegian border north of the road is the nice little mountain Björnfjellet. With its 761 meters above sea level, it is an excellent beginner’s trip or even appropriate for a quiet evening jaunt. Despite its small size, you have a nice view of the Norwegian mountains and in April-May you can enjoy nice sunsets from the top. Start on skis from the customs station or behind the red residential buildings on the north side of the E10 and follow the small ridge west up to the top.
Elevation change: 250 meters
Time: approx. 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy
Vassitjåkka Nord
A Classic tour which is a must for every top tour enthusiast. Start in Vassijaure and trek 2 km southeast towards Kärkevagge. Then turn right and walk on the left side of the brook ravine on large snowfields. At about 1000 meters above sea level, it flattens out and you follow the ridge southwest which leads to the top. Then choose your path downhill; there are sometimes a large number of lines with different levels of difficulty.
Elevation change: 850 meters
Time: 4 hours to the top
Difficulty: Medium
A fantastic overall experience that ends with the spectacular Kopparåsrännan. Start at Låktatjåkka train station. Walk along the cross-marked trail via Vargpasset, up to Låktatjåkko Fjällstation. From there, continue further up to Låktatjåkka’s top. From the top you can choose to go down back to the mountain station or to go down the front in Koppasåsrännan, one of Sweden’s finest off-piste skis.
Elevation change: 950 meters
Time: 4 hours to Låktatjåkko Mountain Station, 30 minutes further up to the top
Difficulty: Medium